- Babesia microti infections or Babesiosis, is a coinfection that frequently
is transmitted with the tick bite that causes Lyme Disease. Babesia microti is the most common type of Babesia
infection, although other species exist and have a geographic pattern of occurrance. Babesia WA-1is a species common
to California and Washington State. (Babesia may also be transmitted through blood transfusions.) It is a protozoan that infects erythrocytes or red blood cells, similar to malaria. Symptoms
include fatigue, night sweats or 'electrical shock-type pain occuring as flashes', elevated body temperature, chills,
weakness, weight loss, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, shortness of breath due to lack of functional red blood cells,
headache or migraines, neck and back stiffness, and various other symptoms.
Treatment: Biaxin plus Hydroxycloroquine (Plaquinil),
Atovaquone (Mepron) plus Azithromycin
- Clindamycin plus Quinine
Alternative treatment with Artemisinin
Ehrlichia infections are caused by several species in the
Ehrlicia genus. Ehrlichia chaffeensis (human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) and Anaplasma phagocytophilum (human granulocytic
anaplasmosis (HGA), are the two most common forms of infection. Ehrlichia infects the white blood cells known as mononuclear
cells and granulocytes.
Ehrlichia ewingii is the most recently recognized
human pathogen. Disease caused by E. ewingii has been limited to a few patients in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Most
of these patients have had underlying immunosuppression caused by Lyme Disease, chronic Epstein Barr viral infection (chronic
mono), Herpes 6 viruses, or AIDs.
The treatment of choice is doxycycline followed by rifampin. However, patients
can have high antibody titers or recurrance even after treatment. Length of treatment is controversial.
Bartonella henselae or cat scratch fever, is a common tick-borne illness. It is also transmitted by
fleas and cat saliva. There are 19 known species of Bartonella. It can be difficult to detect and often accompanies
Lyme Disease.
Common symptoms include fever, flu-like symptoms, skin lesions, fatigue, irritability, liver spleen and multiorgan
involvement, soreness on bottoms of feet.
Bartonella can become chronic and recurring, particularly if one is immunocompromised (which Lyme,
Ehrlichia and Herpes or Epstein Barr-mono can cause).
Recent research has shown that Bartonella henselae is the cause of many diseases such as
bacillary angiomatosis, visceral peliosis, septicemia, endocarditis, and cat scratch disease. Neurological symptoms and paraylsis
have occurred.
Treatment is usually doxycycline, rifampin or cipro/levoquin.
Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease
It has been suggested by several researchers' results, that Alzheimers Disease and Parkinson's Disease
may be caused by the Lyme spirochete, Borrelia species. Here is text followed by the link below, for one article on
1: Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(3):592-600. Epub 2006 May 3.
Plaques of Alzheimer's disease originate from cysts of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete.
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center, Department of Pathology, 50 Rte 25 A, Smithtown,
NY 11787, USA.
Here is hypothesized a truly revolutionary notion that rounded cystic forms of Borrelia burgdorferi
are the root cause of the rounded structures called plaques in the Alzheimer brain. Rounded "plaques' in high density in brain
tissue are emblematic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Plaques may be conceptualized as rounded "pock mark-like" areas of brain
tissue injury. In this century, in brain tissue of AD, plaques are Amyloid Plaques according to the most up to date textbooks.
In the last century, however, Dr. Alois Alzheimer did not require amyloid as the pathogenesis for either the disease or for
the origin of its plaques. Surely, amyloid is an event in AD, but it may not be the primal cause of AD. Indeed in plaques,
amyloid is regularly represented by the "congophilic core" structure which is so named because the waxy amyloid material binds
the congo red stain and is congophilic. However an accepted subset of plaques in AD is devoid of a congophilic amyloid core
region (these plaques "cotton wool" type plaques, lack a central congophilic core structure). Furthermore, there is "plaque
diversity" in Alzheimer's; small, medium and large plaques parallel variable cystic diameters for Borrelia burgdorferi. Perturbations
of AD plaque structure (i.e. young plaques devoid of a central core and older plaques with or without a central core structure)
offer room for an alternate pathway for explanation of ontogeny of the plaque structures. If amyloid is not required to initiate
all of the possible plaques in Alzheimer's, is it possible that amyloid just a by product of a more fundamental primal path
to dementia? If a byproduct status is assigned to amyloid in the realm of plaque formation, then is amyloid also an epiphenomenon
rather than a primary pathogenesis for Alzheimer's disease. In the "anatomy is destiny" model, cysts of borrelia are always
round. Why then not accept roundness as a fundamental "structure determines function" argument for the answer to the mystery
of why Alzheimer plaques are always round? Parataxis causality, a concept borrowed from philosophy, is the error that comes
from linking two events, which occur contemporaneously or in close proximity to one another with a cause and effect relationship.
Parataxis tells us that what appears to be cause and effect in the couplet "amyloid plaque" merely by a proximity relationship
may be "spurious causality" which is a cognitive dead end.
PMID: 16675154 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
more Alzheimers here:
Parkinson's And Lyme
Dr. Joanne Whitaker relates that nearly every patient with Parkinson's Disease (PD) has tested
sted positive for Bb. Dr. Louis Romero reports that 3 patients with PD are 99% better after TAO-free cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
therapy. When Dr. Mattman cultured 25 patients with fibromyalgia all subjects had positive cultures for the CWD Bb. which
causes LD. She relates that Bb can be found in tears and could thus easily appear on the hands where touching could spread
LD. Several families are now documented where nearly every family member is infected. How sick the individual patient becomes
probably relates to their initial spirochete dose, immune system, detoxification capability and stress levels....